After the completion of the permanent exhibition of Olympic Games, Thessaloniki Olympic Museum sets new missions and inaugurates a new exhibition area by producing a new exhibition. The promotion and the prominence of Olympic and generally athletic spirit is enriched and expanding, even more, with the presentation of an exhibition dedicated to “Paralympics”.
Aim of the exhibition is to promote for the first time to the Greek public the history and the evolution of this important and significant sport organisation that established in 1960 and is continued until today. At the same time, it presents to project, organized in groups, all the Paralympics sports that concludes this organization, providing general information, concerning rules and equipment of each sport, and also concerning excellences that Greek Paralympics Medalists have achieved. The mission of the Museum, as an institution that promotes culture and specially sport, is to sensitize the public in issues of disability and to provide ad hoc services to individuals with disabilities, aiming their familiarizing with new technologies and modern techniques, like augmented reality.
Furthermore, main mission of the exhibition and the Museum is for children through targeted educational programs, designed to respond to different learning capabilities of preschool and school age, to contact with words, like “training” and “preparation for the Games”, a condition that requires great self-discipline and will.
Of great importance for the production of the exhibition, has been the collaboration and support of Hellenic Paralympic Committee, Hellenic Paralympic Medalists Union, as well as individually, the majority of Greek Paralympic Medalists, who responded positive and with great eagerness, immediately to the request of Thessaloniki Olympic Museum.